Weaving for the art show.

2JD have spent the past few weeks preparing for the Hampden Park Public School art show. This is an annual event where each class gets to showcase the amazing, creative talents of the students. This year 2JD decided to try their hand at weaving.

First of all we practised weaving using paper and string.



Next we gathered some leaves from the school playground.


We made a loom using cardboard boxes and string.


We carefully weaved the leaves onto the cardboard loom making sure there was no spaces between the leaves.



Eventually we ended up with some excellent examples of weaving using natural products.


Here’s our finished display for the art show.



3D Space

PictureIn the first week of term two we have been learning about 3D space.  Most of the work the class did was around the features of 3 dimensional shapes.  A first step for my year 2 class has been learning to identify flat and curved faces and also learning the names of some simple 3D shapes.

3D spaceThe students had the opportunity to build and manipulate flat interconnecting tiles and experiment with making simple 3D shapes. 

Lots of fun was had by all and even a few ‘new’ shapes were invented.



3d space 1


Multiplication and Making Equal Groups

One skill which students need to learn in order to fully understand multiplication and division is     making equal groups. Earlier this term 2JD did lots of learning around making equal groups. 
 We used the interactive whiteboard to manipulate shapes and numbers and also used small white boards which the students could wipe clean.
This student has made 4 equal groups of 2 with counters and has also shown what the number     sentence looks like (4x2=8). 

Healthy eating picnic

Today we had a healthy picnic!  We have been learning about healthy food and eating as part of our PDHPE program during term 1.


Most of our food was healthy although a stray packet of Doritos was foundimage among the fruit and vegetables!  After eating we went to the hall and exercised with a game of dodge ball.

The Enormous Crocodile

We have recently read the Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.  We enjoyed finding out about the tricks the Enormous Crocodile was planning to use to help eat all the tasty children!!



2JD – What did you think of the book?

What other tricks do you think the crocodile could play on the children?

What tricks do you think the children could play on the crocodile?

The Marshmallow Challenge and Working in Groups.

Here’s a few things we have been learning in term 2.

One of the first things we did at the start of the term was an activity called the Marshmallow Challenge.  To do this activity we worked in groups to build the tallest freestanding structure we could using the materials given to us.

The things we could use were…

  • 1 marshmallow
  • 1metre of string
  • 1metre of masking tape
  • 20 sticks of dry spaghetti
  • scissors

At first the challenge sounded easy, but as time went on many students found the task hard as they had to keep to some very strict rules….

  • You have 15 minutes to complete the challengeimage
  • You can only use the materials provided
  • You have to wait to the end to eat the marshmallow!!

To be successful at this activity the students have to work together and listen to each others ideas and suggestions.






They had to experiment and use lots of trial and error to find the best solution to the problem.



As well as being very beneficial group work can also be a very challenging experience for some students.  They realise that they can’t make decisions independently and that they usually have to collaborate and compromise to experience the best results (some students struggle with this).  These are skills which we all need have in life….

Group work and social learning is one of the big corner stones in educational theory.  Have a look here to find out more…